Welcome to Empire Studios of Rolf Munkes
The Studio has 150 sqmtrs available and is located between Heidelberg and Frankfurt in an old factory area. The main train station, different highways, Frankfurt airport, supermarkets are all very close. Take a look at the picture gallery!

Producer & Engineer Rolf Munkes
I’m the guitaplayer in Crematory and started out in Bands like
Vanize, Majesty, Razorback,Empire and played guitar for Ex Black Sabbath singer Tony Martin.
Since 2009 I work as a fulltime producer in my own studio.
I've worked with Neil Murray (Whitesnake), Doogie White (Michael Schenker), Tony Martin (Black Sabbath), Don Airey (Deep Purple).
Excellent Fullservice
You can do a complete Production here or do parts of the process like Recording, Mixing, Mastering or Reamping here too.
Some of you might have the possibility to record parts of your music at home, or have already recorded your stuff at another studio. In this case you might wish to consider me to mix your music. Yes of course. Get in touch with me and I will let you know how this works.
We are also available for mastering your music.
A large studio server provides quick access to your songs from anywhere on this planet.
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